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The latest Release 0.9 of the Schema Validation Toolkit - ajv-ts brings a suite of enhancements to improve developer productivity and ensure better...
Note: The library is not an official ajv extension What's up, guys! Today I will show you a massive product update for the library inspired by zod -...
What's new this release makes a massive update. Just look at these changes! std. Standard library. All changes apply to Option and Result...
Installation/Update npm i ajv-ts@latest # npm yarn add ajv-ts@latest # yarn pnpm add ajv-ts@latest # pnpm bun add ajv-ts@latest # bun New...
New Features Now schema builder supports custom error messages. import s from 'ajv-ts' const num = s.number().error('cannot be not a number') const...
What is a Playwright? Playwright is a test automation library from Microsoft. It is designed to test web applications across different browsers,...